Have your say
If you have any concerns, want to find out more, have seen another suitable site or have a suggestion on how we could improve the proposal, please let us know.
Contact form
You may prefer to share your comments directly with Three Rivers District Council who are considering the planning application (reference 24/1304/FUL)
Please see their guidance on how to comment on a planning application.
To comment using their online system, you will need to register first:
Go to the Planning Online System
Select 'Register'
Enter your details and follow the instructions
Confirm your account using a link in an email that will be sent to you
Return to the Planning Online System
Select 'Login' and enter your details.
You will now be able to locate the application and submit your comments.
Alternatively, you can email dc.online@threerivers.gov.uk using the reference number 24/1304/FUL as the subject.